Treadmill Test

Walk To A Healthier Life!

Treadmill Test in Bangalore | Dr. Ameet Oswal says, treadmill test is a proven way to discover and cure heart diseases.

Stress Echocardiography Test in Bangalore | Dr. Ameet Oswal

Treadmill Test in Bangalore


Treadmill Test in Bangalore | Dr. Ameet Oswal says, It is a test that you can take to know how good your heart performs under stress or work. In this procedure, the patient is supposed to do a small exercise of walking on a treadmill. This will naturally stimulate the heart to do more work. This test can show if your heart is facing any difficulty in the pumping of blood. It is also used to determine the right amount of exercise for you.

Stress Echocardiography Test in Bangalore | Dr. Ameet Oswal

What Can Indicate I Need The Treadmill Test?

In the test, you will be monitored for heart rate, blood pressure, electrocardiogram, and symptoms- chest pain, breathlessness, fainting, fatigue. Healthy people who are at a considerable little risk. Medical personnel are present in case something unusual happens during the test.A cardiologist may recommend a stress test if you have the following symptoms to rule out coronary artery disease:

  • Chest pain
  • Shortness of breath
  • Lightheadedness
  • Dizziness
  • Fainting

If these symptoms are encountered, the cardiologist will then discuss the best medical procedure possible according to your condition.

Treadmill Test FAQs

A treadmill is recommended to understand how your heart handles work. When put under examination, it shows how well your can handle the stress, this will be seen by ECG changes during the test or symptoms . If any lacuna is found that could mean you have the following conditions:

  • coronary artery disease
  • Arrhythmia

Firstly, it accurately finds out about heart conditions, if any and then the cardiologist will suggest further steps to be taken. Secondly, it can tell how much exercise or strain capacity is suitable for your heart. This way you can minimise the risk of heart attack or heart failure.

  • A patient taking the test will be:

    • Electrodes are attached to monitor the heart rate and ECG.
    • You will be made to walk on the treadmill in stages of 3 mins each. At each stage speed and inclination will increase. Heart rate, blood pressure and ECG will be monitored throughout the
    • Test will be continued until you achieve 85% of target heart rate or you develop any symptoms or significant ECG changes.
    • Once completed you will be made to relax for few minutes until your heart rate reaches normal.

Not at all. Healthy people who are at a considerable little risk. Medical personnel are present in case something unusual happens during the test. And patients with indications of fatigue are handled with extra care.

The core exercise usually takes somewhere close to 15 mins and the whole procedure including preparation time, checking vitals and after-exercise blood pressure measurement can take up to 1 hr.

  • It is a common name for any stress tests that are conducted for the human heart. You may be asked to walk on a treadmill or pedal a still bicycle during these stress tests.

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